ExPress® Soy Meal

ExPress® Soy Meal

What is ExPress® Soy Meal?

Soybeans consumed by livestock and poultry animals worldwide are processed through solvent or mechanical extraction then converted to soybean meal. Compared to solvent extracted soybean meal, ExPress® soy meal contains highly digestible protein, energy. Because of the chemical-free, mechanical process, ExPress® soy meal has lecithin and natural antioxidant tocopherols. ExPress® soy meal has higher residual oil and higher amino acid digestibility that allows greater flexibility in feed formulation. As an ingredient, it is highly likely that no additional fat or oil source is required in a dietary formulation when ExPress® soy meal is used, but not guaranteed. This is the typical ingredient composition, and nutrient levels will vary naturally:

Typical Nutrient Profile of ExPress® Soy Meal 
Dry Matter = 95%
Crude Protein = 43-47%
Fat (acid hydrolysis) = 6%-8%
Crude fiber = 5%-7%
Ash = 5.3%
Free Faty Acids = 0.5%
Linoleic = 4.5%
Linolenic Acid = 0.9%
Lecithin = 0.20%
Lysine (total) = 2.86%

ExPress® Soy Meal can be used as the major protein source for all species from 15-40% of a formulation. There are many advantages of using Express® Soy Meal:
  1. Eliminates the need for other soy protein in formulations such as solvent, extracted soybean meal.
  2. Can be used in feed formulation at a higher inclusion rate versus full-fat soybean meal.
  3. Gives you more control to fine tune the amount of oil used for poultry and swine diets compared to full-fat soybean meal.
  4. Reduces the possibility of milk fat depression when fed to dairy cows or lactating sows compared to full-fat soybean meal.
  5. Reduces the number of ingredients in your inventory
  6. Chemical-free, environmentally friendly
  7. Higher metabolizable energy value
  8. Improved digestibility and by-pass value
  9. Achieve case weight 6 weeks sooner
  10. Produce 1 liter more of milk/head/day
  11. 4%+ improvement in feed : gain for turkeys

Our ExPress® Soy Meal Lines

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